The Cry of Silent Words

Last week we spoke about words of conflict and how those words charged with negative energy influence the environment they’re spoken in, the people they are spoken to or about, and the person speaking to them. Words have a boomerang effect; they go and return to you. It’s the Law of Polarity and the Law of Attraction working in concert to deliver back to you that which you are in vibrational harmony and is the object of your mental focus. No one escapes the impact of words whether they are charged with love (positive energy) or anger & hate (negative energy).

This week I would like to focus on liquid words – our tears.  I recently came across a passage that I have adapted to read this way: “Eternal Mind, listen to all my tender cries. Read my every tear, like liquid words that plead for Your help”.  My tears are liquid words that the Eternal Mind can read…He not only hears the silence of my cries but also interprets that which at the moment I have no words to express how I am truly feeling.  

Science has suggested that with age emotional tears are increasingly triggered by a broader range of feelings including physical pain, attachment-related pain, empathic pain, compassionate pain, societal pain, and sentimental or moral feelings. They are influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. What I have learned is there are three (3) different types of tears:

Basal Tears:    these tears coat our eyes all day long; they protect our eyes and keep out debris.

Reflex Tears:   these wash our eyes out and flush out irritants to protect us.

Emotional Tears: these tears serve a therapeutic role, which tends to make us feel better and are thought to aid in the healing process. According to scientists, they contain more stress hormones and natural pain killers than other types of tears.     

Have you ever heard the adage, “just go and have yourself a good cry”? It is believed that a good cry will cleanse the soul and release the negative energy that is locked within you unable to escape by any other productive means.  Those who have experienced depression, or some other soul trauma can attest to the fact that crying brings relief, and we have the science to prove this fact.  Our biological and psychological makeup is conductive to provide internal escapes from the build-up of emotional pressures that are brought on by experiences in the external environment, our personal space, and even in our minds.  Our thoughts are the driving force behind our mental, physical, and emotional health.  How we think influences the quality of life we live – our thoughts and words are one of the most powerful, commanding, and creative forces on the planet.  Our tears oftentimes release us from the prison our thoughts have sentenced us to for the mistakes and missteps we’ve made.

It’s time to show ourselves compassion and extend grace to us in the places where our errors or stubborn hearts have led to heartache or misfortune. We are not the Eternal Mind that is fully aware of the twists and turns of life.  We must realize that there is a dualism to everything.  Abundance is inseparable from financial lack; love is inseparable from being alone; success is inseparable from failure – each one comes with the potential for its opposite. The way to minimize the manifestation of that which we do not desire is to locate and conquer our core limiting (subconscious) beliefs, which hold the energetic vibration of that which consistently keeps manifesting in our lives.

By partnering with the Eternal Mind and doing the work to recondition our subconscious we activate the Law of Oneness.