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The mission of Lifestyle Words is to teach individuals how to use their words as tools to aid and assist in changing their lives and their life situations & circumstances.  Too often we allow emotions to drive our behavior rather than shifting into the power of the Eternal mind to gain insight and wisdom as to the true nature of the conflict we find ourselves facing and our approach to resolving the matter.

Merriam-Webster defines conflict this way, “to be different, opposed, or contradictory: to fail to be in agreement or accord.” To be in conflict or discord is the counterbalance to being agreeable or harmonious.  The energy of conflict is in opposition to the Eternal Mind but is in harmony with the earth’s cursed system. We must remember that energy is emitted from our innermost self, the subconscious. It’s the place where our reality is formed and performed.  Our conscious mind responds to that which our five sense delivers but it is the subconscious programming that will determine the outcome regardless of the information gathered from the environment.

The truth of the matter is someone having conflict with you does not have to result in you having conflict with them. We all have the power of choice!  Whether we chose to engage in an unhealthy manner or seek out a resolution to restore harmony and cooperation every choice is an indicator of the condition of our souls.

If we are inundated with fear, anger, or emotional wounds we will either engage in combat or retreat.  Our emotional maturity will dictate how we use our words; maturity causes us to be careful about our behavior and take responsibility for our actions.  Even amid conflict, we should ensure that our words are not careless and our actions harmful to other people.  We must be able to express our point of view without damaging another person.

5 Suggested Ways to Resolve Conflict:

  1. Be willing to address the issue just not in the heat of the moment. Allows some time to pass and tempers to cool but deal with it that day with an open and relaxed state of mind.
  2. Don’t deny your anger or try to justify your position. Take a breather and try to see the issue from the other person’s perspective.
  3. Get to the core of the issue. Deal with the matter at hand and do not fall into the trap of being critical toward the other person.
  4. Come into harmony. Whether that agreement is to agree to disagree but do not retain negative feelings or emotions after the conversation.
  5. Forgive and let it go.  Forgiveness unties you from the conflict and allows the positive flow of energy to bring in abundance, joy, and peace.

We must be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions.  Our approach or response in a time of conflict will either expand or constrict our ability to receive from the Eternal Mind. 

The Eternal Mind only wants what is best for us and will not allow any unjust scales to prevail. If we are open to forgiving and expressing love to those who oppose us, have wronged, and hurt us any deficit we have experienced will be brought back into balance by the Eternal Mind.


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Conflict. In dictionary. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from